Hemp Seeds Are Used For?
Hemp has an infinite number of uses and many are of great health benefits.
Hemp is a plant of Asian origin from the Hemp Sativa family that for thousands of years has had great versatility at an industrial level all over the world.
Hemp is used to manufacturing everything from shoes and fabrics to biofuels. However, not much is known about its seeds, which are suitable for human consumption and provide us with a wide variety of benefits.
Its appearance is unique, of a very intense green color and elongated, with a characteristic aroma, which is why it is widely used in gastronomy.
It is ideal for vegetarian or sports diets due to its high protein content. Learn more in this article.
What are the nutritional benefits of hemp seeds?
Hemp seeds are carriers of vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. They also contain minerals such as calcium, iron, and phosphorus, necessary for our tissues and bones to be healthy and strong.
Thanks to their proteins, they will contribute to toning tendons and muscles.
On the other hand, they offer a high contribution of essential fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and 6, necessary for the functioning of the circulatory system and the strengthening of the arteries.
As they have several antioxidants, they help strengthen the immune system and can contribute to eliminating free radicals, which some experts consider the cause of certain types of cancer and premature aging.
Hemp seeds also contain large amounts of amino acids that fight C-reactive protein, which causes inflammation and heart disease, according to a large study of 13,000 people.
The list of benefits goes on.
Its high amounts of fiber help keep our body purified and free of toxins, causing many health problems.
We must also add the fact that they allow us to relieve tension, anxiety, stress, nerves, etc., they are used for insomnia or sleep disorders, among others.
How can we consume hemp seeds?
There are different ways to incorporate hemp seeds into our daily diet: whole, peeled, as oil or as milk.
The peeled ones are sold in health food stores and can be added to any preparation, such as a salad, a sauce, or a soup. The shell is very hard so it is not advisable to buy it if it is not peeled.
Hemp oil is purchased by herbalists and is one of the healthiest oils known to date.
It is composed of 80% of essential acids. It is a source of Omega 3 and 6 and is used like any other oil, and can be used as a condiment for salads or other dishes, even in sweet preparations such as cookies, desserts, or cakes.
It is not advisable to use it for frying, just like olive oil.
Hemp milk can be made at home with peeled seeds and water, blending them until a whitish liquid is obtained. It can be drunk as if it were cow’s milk.
Other alternatives to consuming hemp seeds are ground, powdered, and sprouted. They taste similar to nuts and many vegans use them to prepare ice cream.

Hemp seed oil is extracted directly from the pods and is used for personal and cosmetic care.
You can also get hemp seed flour, which is used as if it were any kind of flour to prepare pizzas, pasta, cakes, pies, bread, cakes, cookies, or veggie burgers. For more great articles and information about CBN Tincture, visit their web page for further info.
Hemp seeds vs. soybeans
Much is said about this “battle” between the two seeds because one is considered better than the other in nutritional matters.
For example, soybeans have more protein and calcium than hemp, but hemp seeds offer more digestive vegetable protein and fatty acids.
The good thing is that hemp seeds, for the moment, are not cultivated genetically modified and do not produce allergies, as soy does.